What Happens When We Trust God?

In a recent article we explored the topic of Placing Trust in God, examining why we should fully trust Him and actions we can take to trust Him more fully. This article takes us a step further, looking at what can happen when placing trust in our God. At the risk of trivializing it, trusting God could be likened to getting an American Express Platinum card. When you read the promotional material you see a plethora of benefits to subscribing to such a prestigious card. But then you look at the annual fee, currently $695. Maybe the Platinum card is for you, maybe not. 

Once Heather and I attended a presentation for the Hilton Grand Vacation Club. We were enticed by three nights in Daytona Beach and a significant number of  Hilton Honors points in exchange for a small fee plus an hour of our time. We attended, and were regaled with the thrill of travel and benefits from joining. Virtually a place to stay in any city or town. They even offered us a “special low price.” It sounded great. I think I had gotten Heather a little worried as she thought I was going to buy in. But we quickly realized that it was not for us. We don’t know how long we will remain healthy enough to take advantage of it. We also factored into the equation that cruising is our favorite way to vacation. Bottom line, it wasn’t that great a deal for us.  So we declined all of these wonderful benefits despite the “good deal” we were being offered.

I would note that there are differences in both of these “deals” when compared to trusting God. The Hilton Grand Vacations Club is a negotiable deal. The have several levels of membership and negotiable costs. The charge card terms are non-negotiable – just like trusting God. We must accept Him on His terms, His way. But we can take assurance that His way is best.

Trusting God, like American Express or Hilton offers, carries a number of benefits. But there is one big, big difference. The benefits of trusting God come without a dollar sign. Everything God has promised He will do. I am reminded of a song by Steven Curtis Chapman “My Redeemer is Faithful and True” that expresses this sentiment.

As I look back on this road I’ve traveled

I see so many times He carried me through

And if there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my life

My Redeemer is faithful and true

My heart rejoices when I read the promise

There is a place I am preparing for you

I know someday I’ll see my Lord face to face

Cause my Redeemer is faithful and true

And in every situation He has proved His love for me

When I lack the understanding, He gives more grace to me

My Redeemer is faithful and true

Everything He has said He will do

And every morning His mercies are new

My Redeemer is faithful and true

My Redeemer is faithful and true

Psalm 91 has been called “Security of One Who Trusts in the Lord.” The benefits of trusting God don’t have an annual fee, they are readily available to anyone who commits to fully trusting Him, and they never expire.

He shelters us. We are in His safe place in His shadow. He is right there with us. (vv. 1-2). Only in this case, God is defending us in a strong and safe place from the evil that surrounds us. But even better, we don’t have to find His shelter, He comes to us (vv. 3-4), rescuing us from the trap of evil and the deadly sickness of eternity in hell. He safely covers us with his wings and a strong wall protects us.

In times of war, we often read about individuals (often government officials) taking refuge in an embassy in an attempt to stay safe. Sometimes that works, sometimes not. But God’s refuge doesn’t fail.  Psalm 46 tells us He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. No matter how bad things seem, He will always be there.

He Protects us from trouble and fear. Nighttime is a difficult time for many people. (vv. 5-10) But we are told we do not need to be afraid of trouble at night nor the sickness that walks in darkness. There is a term for fear of the dark. This is known as nyctophobia and may cause someone to exhibit symptoms such as breathing difficulty, chest tightness, trembling, an intense need to escape, detachment, and a feeling of powerlessness. And it really doesn’t need to be at night. We can be personally in a period of darkness and fear anytime of the day or night. Shelby Brown has stated that it is less likely that you are actually afraid of the dark, but that you fear the unseen and unknown. Trusting God can help alleviate these fears. 

That is not all. During the day we are protected from the piercing arrows and the trouble that destroys. Though thousands fall around us, it will not come near us. We are onlookers seeing how the sinful are punished. Because we have made the Lord our safe place, the Most High place nothing will hurt us, no trouble comes near us.

In the Old Testament, high places were often places for sacrifice and worship of other Gods. When the Temple was built, that became a High Place for the worship of the one true God. But the Temple as a High Place pales in comparison to God’s High Place, one that is entirely safe.

His messengers watch over us. He will tell His angels to watch out and care for us. (vv.11-13) We will not even trip over a stone (that sounds great!). Under our feet will be the lion and the snake but they will not harm us – we will trample them.

There is a misconception about angels. When we humans die and go to Heaven, we will not be angels. Angels are a distinct type of created being. Angels serve the purpose of being God’s messengers. We serve a higher purpose, we will be like Christ, higher than the angels. Daniel received a vision from God that caused him to mourn for three weeks. During this time he prayed and fasted. Suddenly He looked up and saw an angel, a messenger from God. The angel assured him that God had heard his petitions. He told Daniel that he was delayed by the minions of Satan and the Archangel Michael came to help Daniel’s messenger. The angelic messenger then explained Daniel’s vision to him.

God will deliver us.  He says that because we have set our love on Him, he will deliver us. (vv.14-16)

We know His name and have exalted Him.

We know his mercy, love and kindness.

We trust and rely on Him and He will never forsake us.

When we call upon Him, He will answer.

He will be with us.

He will deliver us.

And He will honor us.

Imagine that! God has said He will honor those who trust Him. We will be satisfied in Him and will see His salvation. I Corinthians 3:16 tells us “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? God dwells in His temple and we are His temple. How marvelous!

Please don’t read this and think trusting God will keep us from troubles. We will have trouble, sickness, and hardships. But we can know that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). We don’t see God’s perspective on everything. There is much we don’t understand. But this one thing we know -everything works out when God is in it. 

In our day-to-day existence in this troubled, sinful world. It can be hard to remain focused on what we need to do to trust in God fully. Remember the words of this Psalm. Remember what we need to do to fully trust Him. It isn’t easy. We will drift away. But, with God’s help we will always be able to be pulled back into his protection. What is keeping you from trusting Him more?


All scripture is NASB unless otherwise stated.



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