Wear Your Faith

Last Christmas, my step-daughter and her husband gave me an assortment of “Bible Socks.” If you haven’t seen these advertised, they are high-quality socks with a graphic design and a Bible verse or other scriptural encouragement. As someone who likes “unconventional” clothing, I really enjoy these socks. And I could feel good about wearing them as they convey a positive message. 

Then it dawned on me that they didn’t convey much of a message. If I posted a scripture passage on a roadside bulletin board, that would be a message that thousands would see. Since I normally wear dress boots when I wear these socks, not many people would actually see them unless I sat down and crossed my legs or if I wore shorts with these socks (and that isn’t happening – I am not that unconventional).

So I put on my thinking cap and pondered. Since I am retired, I ponder a lot now. My wife, Heather, says I am a deep thinker but I call it pondering. Two thoughts emerged. First, I realized that some people might see the socks and the socks might have a positive effect. I realize this is nothing on the scale of a Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade nor a sold out concert by a Christian performer, but it could impact someone.

The second thing that occurred to me was that maybe I wasn’t wearing the socks just as a positive witness to others. The socks can, and do, serve as an encouragement to me. When I sit down and cross my legs, I see a scripture, maybe “Trust in the Lord” that reminds me that I can place my trust in Him when life seems too difficult for me. Or “I can do all things” when I encounter difficulties.

Ephesians 6:15 comes to mind. “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (NIV).” Wearing these socks helps me to “put on the whole armor of God” as described in the broader passage here. In MacLaren’s Expositions, the author suggests two things about this passage. First, five of the six items mentioned are defensive. Only the sword is an offensive weapon. With this in mind he suggests that the passage might better be referred to as preparedness rather than preparation. We aren’t just to prepare, we are to be always ready to defend ourselves against attacks from the evil one. 

I Peter 3:15-16 reads “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who disparage your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame (NASB).” We should be ready! Ready when people speak derisively about our faith, or when they make a sincere inquiry about that faith. In speaking with gentleness and respect, we are upholding the faith and putting those who attack us to shame. And we can do it with a clear conscience – no regrets.

Please don’t think I have it all perfected. I am a sinner, just like every one of you. My socks help me have the attitude mentioned in this passage. Socks, of course, are not the only thing we can use. Jewelry carrying a faith message can be helpful. If a man wears a tie, he can wear one with a gospel message. Christian T-shirts are frequently worn as a witness. A visitor to my home once commented on the religious items evident in my home. If you come to my home, you will have no doubt about where I stand with God.

At one time, I carried a small cross in my pocket to remind me of these things. One day I was in an automobile accident, in which I was fortunate not to sustain any injuries. When I got home that day, I noticed that I had two crosses in my pocket. My thought was that God was protecting me doubly that day. I’m not saying that the cross kept me from injury, but the cross brought to my awareness that He protects me.

There is nothing magical about these religious icons, but they can remind us of who we are and whose we are. An icon can be described as a famous person or thing that is used to represent a 


set of beliefs or a way of life. These socks, or other objects, can be used to represent our faith. How do you show your faith daily?


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