Finding God’s Will


It is sometimes difficult for us to determine God’s will. God deals with each of us differently, so one person’s experience may not be the same as that of another. I am certainly no expert on God’s will so this is mostly a recounting of God working with me over my lifetime. As I see it, one of our main issues in seeking God’s will is that our will is present and we want God’s will to match what we want.

In Luke 5, Jesus was teaching the crowds and commandeered Simon’s fishing boat. After he finished teaching, he told Simon “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” He had been fishing all night and Jesus told him to cast the nets once more. Simon, the professional in this story, responded “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say and let down the nets.” Simon at this point was not a disciple of Jesus, but after protesting, he did what Jesus told him to do. At this point, I somewhat envy Simon. Face-to-face with Jesus, he did what Jesus said. There was no question in his mind about following Jesus’ instructions. Wouldn’t it be simple to have Jesus physically speaking to us, telling us what to do?

While I do not put down anyone’s experience with trying to discern God’s will, I am always somewhat suspicious when someone starts a conversation, saying “God told me…” I have known many people whose supposed words from God did not come about. We must, however, be flexible in how we respond to God’s perceived will.

When I was in high school, I was seeking to determine what my major in college would be. I happened to read an article about CPAs and the work of an accountant. At this point in my life, I did not know what a CPA was. But the article piqued my interest. I soon knew without a doubt that my major should be accounting. My senior year in high school, I took a bookkeeping course and I knew I was on the right track. I never wavered from that belief. My career did not turn out as I envisioned, but I was always involved professionally in the field of accounting. I believe God planned for me to read that article.

While in college, I sort of fell into becoming a journalist, first as Sports Editor for my college newspaper and later as Editor of the paper. I came from a long line of journalists (My grandfather founded a local newspaper that thrived for years and the whole family was involved in the business). I found out that I enjoyed writing and was pretty good at it. While in college I also had some sports articles published in the Asheville newspaper. But my writing took a backseat to my accounting career and it was neglected for years. In retrospect, I see that it was God’s hand leading me into writing.

Sometimes God speaks to us through other people. I met my first wife, Gloria while in college. Unbeknownst to me, she told her roommate that she was going to marry me. We were friends, but didn’t date at that point. After two years, she transferred to nursing school. We corresponded some, and she asked to be placed on the mailing list for the College newspaper of which I was the editor. She came back to campus to visit some friends and we got back together. We started dating and ended up being married for over 48 years. I’ve always been suspicious about the circumstances of that visit to her friends.

After college, I was employed in a variety of accounting jobs. One Sunday morning I sat beside a friend at church. We struck up a conversation and he mentioned that he needed an accountant to teach in the evening program of the local technical school. I asked about it, and he encouraged me to submit an application, which I did. He told me that he had found an accountant but to submit my application, as he was always needing an accountant. About half-way through the next semester, he called and told me his accounting teacher had been transferred to another city. Could I take over the class? I figured this was a great opportunity. If I did not do well, I could blame it on the fact that I did not start the semester and save face. I loved it and my students were very receptive. It did not take me long to realize I needed to be in teaching. I had no idea if I was qualified to teach in college, so I contacted Fred Bentley, President of Mars Hill College and sought his advice. He was very encouraging and gave me some tips on how to get a job. I would add that my years on the college newspaper put me in frequent touch with the President and we had become friends.

Fast forward a few years. Gloria bought me a book by Max Lucado entitled Cure for the Common Life. This book turned out to be transformational. In reading the book, I realized that writing was one of my callings, so I vowed to start writing again. I began writing academic articles related to accounting and was somewhat successful, having several articles published. I was also given the opportunity to write tax articles for the Polk County Business Journal. The writing enhanced my career as an academic and I found that I enjoyed it. I also was a frequent blogger for an online accounting site and also wrote my own blog “The TaxDoc Spot.”

In addition to teaching I also had a tax preparation business. As I approached retirement from academia, it occurred to me that I could begin a new line of business, giving seminars and consulting on the subject of church and clergy taxes. I prayed, consulted with a number of people and started Church Tax Solutions. This was an instance where I think my will overrode God’s. Although this was a good idea, it never got off the ground. In retrospect, I now see that I would need to devote time to caring for Gloria as her physical condition declined. In a related vein, I retired from academia just prior to Gloria needing me more.

After Gloria passed away, I realized that I don’t do well alone, so I started dating. Just as I was about to give up finding anyone, Heather walked into my life. The moment I saw her, I felt God telling me that we would marry. I did not tell her this at the time. But as things progressed, it turned out that marriage was God’s will and we are more certain of that every day.

I finally gave up my tax practice after much prayer and fasting. I never thought I would so willingly walk away from it, as it was something I loved. But God showed me it was time, and I do not miss my tax work.

I was no longer a professor, no longer a tax preparer. So what was next? As I contemplated this question, I realized a desire to write again. About this time, a friend who has a blog site invited me to publish on his site. This was different from my prior writing as I decided to write a faith-based blog. So that’s what occupies my time now. I enjoy it and hope that others can learn and be inspired by my musings.
We must never lose sight of the fact that God’s will for you will not contradict His Divine Nature. Ultimately He seeks:

  1. Advancement of His kingdom. Daniel 2:44 “the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be [a]left for
    another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.”
  2. Salvation of His children through Jesus. II Peter 3:9 “The Lord is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
  3. For us to do His work on earth. Eph 2:10 “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

Over the years, as you can see, God has led me in many ways, not always by speaking to me. Sometimes when I wasn’t even seeking Him. What I have learned is summed up in Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.” When God is first in our lives, he will guide us abundantly. What place does God have in your life?

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